

The anxiety about finding a job, caused by unemployment and employment-related problems, is an important phenomenon in that university students get desperate about the future and affect their career decisions directly and negatively. In this research, it was aimed to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool to determine the job anxiety of students studying in sports sciences. Exploratory sequential design, which is one of the mixed research methods used in scale development studies, was used In this research. The data of the research were collected from the sample group of 525 students studying in Sports Sciences, including 16 students for the qualitative part of the study, 205 students for exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and 304 students for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The thematic analysis method was used in the analysis of qualitative data. EFA was applied for the suitability of the items obtained as a result of the thematic analysis of the scale, and CFA was used to test this structure. Exploratory factor analysis was applied to 19 items obtained as a result of qualitative research. The KMO value was found to be (0.914) in the analysis performed for the suitability of the data collected for the job finding anxiety scale of sports science students to the factor analysis, while the Barlett Sphericity test result was found to be (2244.638, df: 55, p <.001). As a result of EFA, a structure consisting of 8 items and one dimension was obtained. It was determined that the eigenvalue of the one-dimensional structure was 4,987 and the variance ratio it explained was 62,341%. Confirmatory factor analysis was applied to test this structure. According to the results of the CFA analysis, the values of χ2/sd (3.257), GFI (0.956), CFI (0.981), AGFI (0.912), NFI (0.973), RMSEA (0.08) reached acceptable values, and the Cronbach alpha value of the scale was 0.958. has been determined. For criterion validity, item-total test correlations and the score difference between 27% lower and upper groups were examined on the data set where CFA analysis was performed. It was determined that the difference between lower and upper groups was significant for criterion validity and the correlation coefficient provided the necessary conditions. According to the results of the research, it can be stated that the "Sports Sciences Students’ Job Finding Anxiety Scale" is a valid and reliable measurement tool.


Sport science students, job finding anxiety, validity and reliability, scale development
