

The present study in which it was aimed to examine the condition of root values that is included in the social studies curriculum issued by Ministry of National Education (MNE) in 2018 in the social studies textbook (4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th) and to examine the development processes of each root value in the social studies textbook between the 4th and 7th grades, was conducted with basic qualitative research design. The data of the research was obtained with a document review method from the Primary School 4th grade Social Studies and Middle School 5th, 6th, and 7th grade Social Studies textbooks (4 pieces). Content analysis was conducted by using MaxQDA qualitative data analysis program to the data obtained from research documents. Each grade included in the 2018 social studies curriculum constitutes the theme of the research, each learning field constitutes the category of the research, and each root value constitutes the code of the research. As a result of the content analysis of the social studies textbook conducted within the context of the research, a total of 1.100 root values determined as 332 in the fourth grade, 245 in the fifth grade, 256 in the sixth grade, and 267 in the seventh grade. These root values were determined within the Individual and Society learning field (236), Culture and Heritage learning field (234), People, Places, and Environments learning field (43), Science, Technology, and Society learning field (165), Production, Distribution, and Consumption learning field (104), Active Citizenship learning field (225), and Global Connections learning field (90). It was concluded that the most mentioned root values in the social studies textbooks were Scientificness (186), Freedom (146), Solidarity (95), and Helpfulness (90) and the least included root values were Justice (29), Diligence (25), Saving (24), Giving importance to unity of family (11), and Honesty (9).


Social studies textbook, curriculum, root value.
