

This study aimed to examine the effects of educational games involving physical activity on attitudes towards intelligence games. The research group consists of a total of 248 volunteer students, 106 of whom are female (42,7%) and 142 of whom are male (57,3%), studying at Sports High School and Hikmet Kiler Science High School in Bitlis. Relational screening model was used in the research. "Personal Information Form", "Attitude Scale Towards Games Involving Physical Activity" and "Attitude Scale Towards Mind Games" were used as data collection tools in the research. Attitude Scale Towards Games Involving Physical Activity, used as a data collection tool; It consists of two sub-dimensions: the affective dimension of the game and the behavioral dimension of the game. Attitude Scale Towards Mind Games; It consists of 3 sub-dimensions: negative attitude, positive attitude and behavioral element. Descriptive statistics were made to determine the demographic characteristics of the students who constitute the research group; In data analysis, Pearson Correlation analysis was preferred to determine the relationship between variables, and Regression analysis was preferred to determine the direction and level of the relationship. Chronbach alpha value (internal consistency coefficient) of the attitude scale towards educational games involving physical activity; While it was 0.85, in this study it was calculated as 0.81 and was found to be at a very good level. Chronbach's alpha value of the attitude scale towards intelligence games; While it was 0.89, in this study it was calculated as 0.92 and was found to be at a very good level. In conclusion, The positive attitude and behavioral element sub-dimensions of the students' attitude scale towards intelligence games and the attitude variable towards educational games involving physical activity were found to be negative and at a very good level; It was determined that there was a positive and low-level prediction between the negative attitude sub-dimension and the attitude variable towards educational games involving physical activity.


Games, Games Involving Physical Activity, Mind Games, Attitude.
