

Considering the environmental problems experienced today, living in a balance and harmony with nature can only be achieved through education. Education is a prerequisite for sustainable development, which reveals the idea of a more livable world and a better future. Teachers who are the practitioners of education for sustainable development and will play the most effective role in this process. The main purpose of this study was to reveal the opinions of science teachers on sustainable development. For this purpose, field scanning method was used in order to reveal the current situation. 50 science teachers who work in differet provinces in Turkey participated in this study. As a data collection tool, an online questionnaire consisting of three semi-structured open-ended questions were used. The questionnaires were delivered to teachers via Google Form. The data obtained from the teachers were analyzed with the help of content analysis, which enables the analysis of the data by creating codes, categories and themes. As a result of the analysis of the data, three categories, each with a different number of codes, were obtained: the concept of sustainable development, objectives of sustainable development, continuity of sustainable development. As a result of the study, it was seen that science teachers dealt with the concept of sustainable development holistically by taking all its dimensions. It has been determined that teachers generally touch on all dimensions in their views on sustainable development, but the environmental and social dimensions come to the fore. At the end of the study, suggestions were made for prospective researchs.


Science, teachers' views, sustainable development.
