This study aims at developing an assessment tool to measure teacher prospective teachers' attitudes towards the use of information technology. After reviewing the related studies and literature in this field, a pool of 41 items prepared on a 5-point Likert scale was shaped. The content and construct validity of the Likert-type scale was consulted to an expert. In line with expert opinions, the number of items was reduced to 39 and a draft version of the scale was reshaped. The 39-item draft form of the scale was applied to 335 prospective teachers studying in different branches at Gazi University Gazi Faculty of Education in the fall semester of 2018-2019 Academic Year. In order to determine the validity of the scale, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted. Regarding the analysis, the scale was determined to consist of a 22-item 4-factor construct. The Cronbach-alpha reliability coefficient for the whole scale was calculated as .92. The Cronbach-alpha values of the 4 dimensions of the scale were calculated as .89 for the first dimension, .86 for the second dimension, .79 for the third dimension, and .76 for the fourth dimension, respectively. For the construct validity of the scale, confirmatory factor analysis was performed and the obtained fit index values; ?2=589.07 sd=203, P=.00, RMSEA=.075, SRMR=.060 GFI=.86, AGFI=.83, NFI=.94, NNFI=.96, CFI=.96 and IFI=.96. Regarding these results, the scale was confirmed to consist of 22 items and 4 factors. In light of these findings, the scale can be indicated to measure the attitudes of prospective teachers towards the use of information technology in education in a valid and reliable way.
Education, information technology, attitude, scale