The aim of this research is to investigate the organizational support perceptions and organizational commitment levels of educational employees with the meta-analysis method. With this aim, the research examined whether there was a significant difference in the effect size related to the moderator variables in studies investigating the relationships between organizational support perceptions of educational employees and organizational commitment levels. Studies from 1998 to 2020 investigating the correlation between the organizational support perceptions and organizational commitment levels of educational employees with sample sizes and correlation coefficients were included in the research. Studies were included in the research by using databases such as Proquest, Council of Higher Education (YÖK) National Thesis Center and Google Academic. The research included 20 studies within the meta-analysis. Validity and publication bias in the research were investigated with Rosenthal’s failsafe N method, Begg and Mazumdar’s rank correlation and Egger’s linear regression test and it was concluded that the research had low publication bias. Normal distribution of studies included within the scope of the meta-analysis was investigated and the homogeneity test was completed to identify the meta-analysis model. The random effects model was used to calculate the general effect size of the studies included in the research. The meta-analysis results identified that the general effect size for the relationship between organizational support perceptions and organizational commitment levels of educational employees had moderate level and was positive. Additionally, there was no significant difference according to the moderator variables of year, school type and organizational commitment scale used in the studies for the effect size of studies about the relationship between organizational support perceptions and organizational commitment levels of educational employees. There were significant differences according to the moderator variables of publication type, location of the study and organizational support scale used.
Organizational Support, organizational commitment, meta-analysis.