The flipped classroom (FC) model is a learning model that combines learning activities performed by students outside of school with various online tools and face-to-face teaching activities in the classroom. Thanks to this model, students are directed to learn the course content outside the classroom and to practice more in the classroom. Especially in recent years, the studies carried out within the framework of the FC model as a dimension of the design of the digital education system have increased significantly. On the other hand, it is important to reveal what kind of tendency the FC studies show, in order to see the overall effect of the model in the education system. This research examines postgraduate theses about the FC model in the field of education in Turkey by using thematic content analysis method. The target publications were restricted to postgraduate theses published between 2014 and 2020 in the context of education. A search was done on the National Thesis Center website of Higher Education Board (YÖK), and a total of 36 doctoral dissertations and 69 master's theses were accessed. Thematic content analysis was applied to find out general characteristics, aims, methods, samples, data collection tools and subjects used, and results and recommendations of the theses. The results showed that the majority of the theses aim at identifying the effects of the FC model on specific variables and finding out the opinions and experiences of the participants about the FC. The most common method used is the mixed method and the most popular research patterns are the embedded design and multiple case designs. As for participants, FC learning environments are predominantly designed for foreign language teaching and teacher education in the studies in consideration. Similarly, most of the analyzed studies report positive effects of the FC model, the implementation of the FC process and handicaps of the model in practice. Lastly, the theses make recommendations for enriching the FC learning process and give insights for other researchers.
Flipped classroom (FC) model, teacher education, thematic content analysis.