The purpose of this study is to compare Turkey science curriculum with Hong Kong science curriculum since Hong Kong obtained points on the average among OECD countries in PISA and TIMSS exams. The study was a comparative study and document analysis was used in qualitative research methods. For this study, current science teaching programs in the national education sites of the two countries have been examined as the primary source of the research. In this study, themes were formed related with aims of the teaching programs, learning areas, units and learning achievements. During determination of these themes, comperative studies in the literature were examined. The obtained data was arranged and interpreted considering themes previously determined.In the study, besides the aims, visions and the units of the science curriculums of the both countries, learning areas, learning achievements, class hours and distributions of units in terms of class levels were also compared and similarities and differences were revealed. In the light of the findings, it is suggested that significant changes should be made in scienceteaching program in Turkey.
Comparisons of the programs, science curriculums, PISA and TIMSS results.