Encapsulating characteristics an individual possesses case of a new learning situation; readiness is an integral part of the education process. Readiness levels of students must be quite high in order to ensure effective and permanent education. In this study aiming to assess readiness levels of students at middle school age regarding visual arts education, we tried to once again emphasize on the fact that visual arts education during pre-school and primary school periods, which are the most important in terms of a child’s development, should be given by teachers who are experts in their fields. In this study, our goal was to assess readiness levels of students at middle school age regarding visual arts education. Based on this goal, 16 visual arts permanent teachers from 15 different middle schools located in Niğde city center were contacted and given a from to fill out. We arrived at the results using the data gathered. The study is a situation assessment, a qualitative research method. For research data assessment, we used the descriptive analysis method in which data gathered are summarized and interpreted based on predetermined themes. The study concludes that psychological readiness level of students was high; however, their cognitive readiness levels were low. A significant contributor to this conclusion was the fact that teachers who teach visual arts classes at primary schools were from other disciplines and did not have proper training in terms of visual arts education. The study suggests that all but mainly primary school visual arts classes should be taught by educators from the visual arts discipline, also class hours of visual arts education at middle school should be increased, and high school preparation tests should include questions from this discipline.
Readiness, Visual Arts, Middle School