

The aim of this study is organize Turkish and Social Study Teacher candidates’ ability to use team teaching methods and techniques. Accordingly, teacher candidates’ views about team teaching method, its effect on their personal and professional development were tried to be identified. In this action research, participants were consisted of 3 teams of 7 volunteer teacher candidates in Turkish Teaching (4) and Social Sciences education (3). The study pocess was carried out in two stages and two tours. Throughout the process; interview forms, observation forms, reflection diaries, field notes and the notes of evaluation meetings were used as data collection tools. The data collected were analized by the methods of descriptive analysis, content analysis and descriptive statistics. For the theme of team teaching skills; two categories developed as ‘personal and professional development’. These categories consisted of the codes of ‘self-confidence, cooperation, communication, gaining experience, experience sharing, open-mindedness, subject area knowledge and time management’. Thus they stated and were observed that teacher candidates developed in these areas through the process of team-teaching. Additionally, the ability and awareness of interdisciplinary work has been developed during team teaching and teacher candidates were observed to have positive opinions and perceptions about using team-teaching method in the future.


Team-teaching, Turkish teaching, social science education, interdisciplinary study
