

Sport is defined as a social phenomenon that brings an individual to a certain level in mental and motoric sense. Sport also contributes to the development of the individual physiologically and psychologically in terms of health. Level of self-efficacy is a very effective factor in high performance level, especially in individuals who do sports. In addition, self-efficacy means the confidence by which a person can control his/her actions in his/her feelings, thoughts, attitudes and behaviors, and affects performance in this process. Self-efficacy is related with individuals’ self-belief. While the perception of self-efficacy develops with childhood, the factor of environment also plays an important role in this process. On the other hand in this process, the states of success and failure are also effective in determining the level of self-efficacy. Therefore the aim of this study is to examine the self-efficacy levels of athletes with different sport branches. The study has a survey research model, which is a type of descriptive research design. Athlete Self-efficacy Scale developed by Koçak (2020) was used in data collection process. All statistical calculations were made with SPSS 22.0 V statistical package program. As a result of the data analysis, no significant difference was found between the participants’ Athlete Self-efficacy Scale total scores and factor total scores in terms of the variables of gender, sport branch and year of study. On the other hand, significant difference was found between the participants’ Athlete Self-efficacy Scale total scores and factor total scores in terms of the variables of the state of being engaged in sport, department and level of income. Motivation enhancing workouts should be carried out and technical-tactical trainings should be given weight to in order to increase the self-efficacy levels of athletes. It is also important to give weight to mental training as much as physical training for athletes to be able to control their emotions in possible situations and not to deviate from their purpose in pressured environments.


Individual sport, self-efficacy, self-efficacy in sport, team sport.
