Gender roles and the society’s perspective of these roles affect society in many ways (economy, education, culture, etc.). For an egalitarian society, gender equality must be taught to students in the most accurate way. In this regard, one of the most important factors is teachers, who are role models of students. Especially pre-service elementary school teachers and social studies teachers constituting the study group of the current study should undertake a very important role in the training of students who start to become aware of their personality and sexual identity in elementary school period. In this connection, the purpose of the current study is to investigate pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards social gender roles in terms of gender and grade level and the department attended. Descriptive survey method was used in the current study, and the sample group consists of 369 pre-service teachers attending the Departments of Elementary School Teaching and Social Studies Teaching in the 2019-2020 academic year. As the data collection tool, the Social Gender Roles Attitude Scale was used. The scale consists of five sub-dimensions: female gender roles, male gender roles, equalitarian gender roles, traditional gender roles and gender roles in marriage. The Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient for the whole scale was found to be “.94”. As a result of the study, it was found that the female pre-service teachers have a more equitable attitude than the male pre-service teachers. While there was no significant difference based on grade level, the pre-service elementary school teachers were found to be more successful in the sub-dimensions of female and traditional gender roles. In general, the pre-service teachers were found to have a traditional attitude.
Gender roles, social gender, social gender equality, attitude, pre-service teacher, elementary school teacher training, social studies teacher training