This study aimed to reveal the relationship between friendship jealousy, self-efficacy and self-esteem among secondary and high school students. It adopted relational survey design. The study sample included randomly recruited 439 adolescents (275 females; 164 males) studying at six different schools located in the central district of Mus. Personal Information Form, “Friendship Jealousy Scale”, and “Self-Efficacy Expectation Scale for Adolescents” were used as data collection tools. Approximately, 96% of the individuals who were contacted completed the data collection tools. Normality tests, validity-reliability analyses, descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation test and multiple regression analyses were applied. Findings showed a significant relationship between friendship jealousy, self-efficacy and self-esteem scores (p<.05). While there was a negative relationship between friendship jealousy and self-efficacy as well as self-esteem, there was a positive relationship between self-efficacy and self-esteem. Moreover, the relationship between friendship jealousy and self-efficacy significantly predicted self-esteem in secondary and high school students. The results were discussed and some suggestions were made. Considering the results of the current study together with literature, it can be said that improving self-esteem in adolescents increases self-efficacy but reduces friendship jealousy, which can cause some undesirable consequences. In this context, self-esteem development programs for adolescents should be applied in secondary and high schools. In particular, it is possible to adapt the trainings that focus on basic life skills (such as character development, communication, emotion management and empathy) for adolescents in secondary and high school period into the school guidance curriculum.
Secondary and high school students, adolescence, friendship jealousy, self-efficacy, self-esteem