Highly gifted students are often considered unique and challenging students. Because highly gifted students are naturally curious, creative, very careful and extra sensitive. While giftedness is conceptualized as having a natural ability in some areas, being gifted is generally defined as a product of developing these abilities. Highly gifted students, no matter where they live, are the potential future leaders of their generation in any community and the smartest and brightest of their present group. In light of these, since gifted students are individuals who are intellectual, creative, artistic or high performers in leadership, capacity or specific academic areas, they need special academic services or activities which are not normally provided by the school to fully develop their talents. Social studies course is one of the most important courses in which all elements of life can be discussed together and social skills are transferred to the person as well as historical information. It is a known fact that there are differences in both social studies courses and educational programs applied to highly gifted students around the world. In this article, a comparison of the educational programs applied to highly gifted students within the scope of social studies courses in our country and England is provided.
Education in England, Students with Special Abilities, Social Studies Education, Education in Turkey.