Makalenin The world which has changed and transformed in the 20th and 21st century has also directly influenced the concepts of education, culture, society and understanding of the state. The 21st century, which we call the Age of Information, has forced organisations to make a change in their ways of raising individuals and their qualifications as well as restructuring their pedagogical processes. Just as societies and public institutions should be ready for such novelties, the values of the community in which individuals live should also be observed in the educational process. Through these values, related systems ensure their continuity and reproduce themselves and the process is updated based on socio-political conditions. In this way, educational goals and values are transferred to the target audience. The behaviourist approach adopted in the Turkish education system was abandoned after the 2000s, and the constructivist approach has been adopted in curriculum design, and course materials have been shaped according to the newly adopted approach. Values, education, goals, achievements were discussed under separate headings and their importance for the MEB was demonstrated. In this study, the values transferred by MEB through Turkish language textbooks either formally or informally were examined. For this purpose, the use of root values in Turkish language textbooks (5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade) prepared in line with the principles of Turkish Curriculum developed in 2019, and the developmental progress of each root value in Turkish language textbook between the 5th grade and 8th grade was identified. However, it has been found that the root values presented in the Turkish teaching curriculum are used more often traditionally, and the root values, which are taken into account as the skills within the framework of basic Turkish competencies, remain in the background. It was found that the root values such as patriotism, compassion, friendliness, helpfulness have come to the fore, while the root values such as Patience, respect, responsibility, Justice, which are pedagogically very important, have remained in the background. It was also found that the root values are not distributed in the examined textbooks in a balanced way. The findings of similar research conducted in the literature were compared, and it has been concluded that contemporary theoretical frameworks are followed but are not reflected in our education system satisfactorily. Although educational programs and theoretical content are updated in our educational system in line with general evaluations, it has been found with this study that this is not reflected on the system at the desired level, and traditional reflexes are maintained in the socio-cultural sense.
Textbook, root values, values, sociopolitical, Turkish