In this study, seventy-five preschool books in University of London Library were examined within the framework of the basic principles of children’s literature. The most basic element of children’s literature is high quality children’s books. The main features determining the quality of these books is being created in line with the age and developmental characteristics of children and being structured on the basis of artistic sensitivity and aesthetic concerns. It is a known fact that academic achievement as well as individual development of children is positively improved through these books. For this reason, the present study examined seventy-five children’s books. Qualitative research method was used in the study and seventy-five books were examined through “categorical analysis” technique, which is one of the analysis types. Features that determine the quality of children’s books are external structure, internal structure and educational principles. Characteristics of external and internal structure were discussed to find out the quality of the aforementioned books. Seventy-five preschool children books in University of London Library which were chosen randomly were analyzed through descriptive analysis technique under the titles of “theme, main character, setting, pictures and message” within the framework of the basic principles of children’s literature. Frequency and percentage measurements were made in data analysis and the data were tabulated and interpreted. As a result, it was found that the theme with the highest rate was “child and family, the main character with the highest rate was “child”, the setting with the highest rate was “home”, the pictures were “good quality” and the message with the highest rate was “thinking differently”. It was found that the seventy-five books examined were suitable for preschool period and the books had good quality in terms of external and internal structure features. The recommendations made in line with the study results are examining these books based on other criteria of children’s literature; conducting the study in institutions, organizations and libraries of different countries; making comparisons by examining the books in the libraries of both countries and carrying out the study on different age groups within the framework of the characteristics of the specific age.
Children’s literature, children’s books, foreign children’s books, external and internal structure characteristics.