XI. century is a quite important era since the Turco-islamic culture has entered its age of advancement from the age of formation. In this era, beside the developments in political, military and cultural areas, there is also significant achivements in the field of Turkish thought. Turks who have taken place in the Islamic civilization a short time ago, has been quite succesful to integrate their original customs and traditions to the values of the new religion they accepted which are strenthen by the cultures of Persian and Arabic civilizations. Two major works written in the mentioned century; Kutadgu Bilig and Divânü Lügati’t-Türk can be seen as the evidences of this success. As dear departed Reşit Rahmetî Arat stated, Divânü Lügati’t-Türk describes the external side of the Turkish civilization while Kutadgu Bilig describes the internal side of Turkish civilization in political and administrative aspects.Work of Yusuf of Balasagun who had a high ranking as Hâs Hâcib, in the Turkish administrative structure; Kutadgu Bilig is the most precious work we have by the reasons that it reflects the conceptions of justice and law in the Turkish civilization, further it is also one of the essential sources of the history of Turkish thought.
Yusuf Has Hacip, Kutadgu Bilig, Karachaniden.